Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Second Battle of El Alamein - 2011 Redux

In November 1942, General der Panzertruppe Wilhelm Josef Ritter von Thoma was ordered by his commander Generlfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel (who was relaying a Fuhrerbefehl) to fight to the last man and tank. The Deutsches Afrikakorps ground itself to pieces around him and virtually bereft of tanks, he mounted one the tanks attached to his HQ guard unit and drove to the apex of the battle.
With his tank hit several times and on fire, von Thoma dismounted and stood quietly amongst a sea of burning tanks. Rommel later opined that von Thoma was probably seeking his death in battle while other staff officers quietly speculated that he went to the front to deliberately surrender. That evening, von Thoma dined with General Montgomery at his headquarters to discuss the battle.
Nearly 70 years later, Rahul Dravid is attempting a Thoma.


Priyambad said...

Wah wah!

O. Brevirostrisch said...

Der Vetter Rahul has played his part. Time for Generalfeldmarschall Sachien von Rommelkar to take charge.

(Second Battle of El Alamein 2011 Redux, es scheint!)