The...ah...lofty spires of the Hyderabad Public School.

Mmm. Sunset.

Meanwhile, , this fellow is still lurking in the azadirachta indica betwixt Mayur Marg and SP Road. Ye of little faith...

Hallelujah! Messrs. Dewey, Cheatem & Howe are on Worldspace [2:30 p.m. IST, Sundays, NPR]. Bit bizarre to be listening to Car Talk on a Sunday afternoon in Begumpet.
Yeah, as bizarre as listening to Wait, Wait..Don't tell me on a rainy Sunday afternoon in Trivandrum. Know exactly what you mean.
to transpose as it were, I suppose its as weird as watching e tv serials while in the US (I did as much last weekend in NY). Also saw Sharapova live, but thats another story.
Pictures are lovely-- actually. Lovely is also description of weather in B'ton as of now. Cambridge commons to happen anon. E mail later...
[veena] Golly. You're also listening to Worldspace on a rainy Sunday afternoon? Eddie's in the space time continuum.
[tmk] Smelly ____, it isn't, as it were, to use the phraseology of Prof. Sen, substantively even close to watching ETV serials in New York. The fact that kitschy Gult TV can travel to NY seems monumentally more possible than NPR travelling to Begumpet. Be that as it may, reveal all about Maria.
The pictures did turn out rather decent. The Powershot S45 is the camera to end all cameras. Rather like Trichinopoly cigars. I have written a monograph on the subject.
Cambridge Common and all. A cheap martini at Grendel's Den during the day time is sorely missed. Also wine. Bring.
you plied the toothbrush dissolutely again, making the grey hornbill (your familiar) appear?
[pag. cap.] Dint. My familiar (gigg.) just showed up. How, pray, does your familiar (Damn! Did I say familiar?) appear?
Such a pretty bird. I love birds. Especially when they move their head in sudden fits. Very sweet and stupid they look.
[ph] Ah, you're back in circulation. Most excellent.
Sweet and stupid sums them up. This particular one sits on a plastic water tank in the mornings and does what must be the birdie equivalent of tai chi every morning. Graceful inclination of head this way and that and so on. Need to capture...
Lovely pictures... as always.
[anonymous] Thanks. You're mysterious...as always.
Even Ocyceros birostrises are flocking to salute you. You are not just an ordinary BN but the Fuhrer himself. Should give a link of your post to Sive....
In any case these are supposed to sighted in pairs. Do you see another one too?
[ram] God, imagine if Sivey comes to know. That'll be the end of it.
This oc. bir. seems to be a loner. Or for all you know there's two of them, but I see only one at a time. Can't bloody tell them apart now, can I?
Incidentally, the photo is c/o Crocodile Bandhi, not me.
um. i just filched your pic of HPS for my desktop. Thank you muchly, and apologies.
[priyanka] you're welcome. you're a whatztheword aluminium of HPS, perhaps? have a higher res version of the same image. holler (choultry at gmail dot com) if interested...
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